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12th June 2012
...............Walk No. 941
19 July 2009 - SWCP - Map Courtesy

South West Coastal Path No. 57              Total: 505.5 miles

Time Taken:     Cycle:     Distance:   Enjoyment:    Weather:  
3.25 hours            n/a          3.5 miles         90%         Sunny Periods
Nature: Butterflies and Birds

 Temp:     Cloud:     Rain:    Visibility:    Ground Conditions:  
  15oC         75%          0%      Good        Average Underfoot
Compantions:  Ann

Parked car in Maidencombe Beach car park and walked from car to 
bus stop on A379 via Thatched Tavern Pub and steep climb up 'Steep 
Hill'. Waited for bus No, 11, due to arrive at 10:20, but actually arrived 
at 10:30am. Bus diverted from A379, so I was worried I would miss our 
planned destination of Babbacombe car park by Walls Hill. Much to my 
delight the bus returned to the A379 before the planned bus stop on 
Babbacombe Road. Started walk from Walls Hill car park on Walls Hill 
Road and slowly descended winding steps to Babbacombe Beach. 
Good view of the “Giants Armchair' from the woods above the beach. 
Walked along the top of the beach to a rock face which is crossed by 
using steps to a platform. More steps from Oddicombe Beach passing 
a waterfall to cross under the cliff railway. This rope railway is similar 
to the cliff railways at Lynmouth and Hastings. Path recently diverted 
to A379 at St Marychurch and returning to the coast via Petitor Road. 
Path forms the boundary of the golf course for some way to 'Shag Cliff'. 
Good views from Shag Cliff towards Hope's Nose and Long Quarry 
Point. Fallen tree by path near Watcombe. Tree split into two directions 
with roots completely exposed. Take care on narrow ledge hacked out 
of the cliff near the Valley of the Rocks called the Goat Path. Railings 
on the side are very useful. A decision required soon after the Goat Path, 
whether to take the Coastal Path, or the alternative path into 
Maidencombe. We took the coastal path, but the hedgerows on the 
coastal side of the path are too dense to see any cliffs, except in one 
place where the 'Shackle Bench' and the 'Bell Rock' can be seen. 
Easy descent into Maidencombe and the car at the end of the walk. 
No rain despite bad forecast during the walk, but it did start raining 
as we drove away from the car park, very lucky. Another good day with 
Ann on the Coastal Path. Fine views across Babbacombe Bay to the high 
cliffs of white limestone and red sandstone.

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Derek Harwood: Copyright 2014
Devised: December 2020