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Derek Harwood's Walking Records

If you have any queries about the pictures or descriptions e-mail me at: derek@harwoodonline.com

                              MAPPERTON, DORSET

Saturday 16th October 2004 ............................Walk No. 604
7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask

AA Walks No. 19                                      Total 843.0 miles

Time Taken:  2:00 hrs            Distance:             Enjoyment:                   Weather:  
    14:30 to 16:25                    4.5 miles                    75%                          Cloudy

Temp:     Cloud:         Rain:        Visibility:      Ground Conditions:           Nature:
 12oC         95%            25%           Good                    Wet    Pheasants and Ducks  

Total AA:       Total MH:     Total LD:        Total AW:      Other:       Total Distance:
843.0 mls      808.0 mls     1720.0 mls       148  mls       898.0 mls      4417.0 miles

Companions:  (Derek) 

Points of Interest and LINKS:
AA Walks       			Mapperton 			St Mary's Church
Posy Tree       			Mapperton Manor House
Bubonic plague connections and Manor House

Sylvia was reading a book in the car, in the car park. 50p for 4 hours. I started in sunshine but there was a threat of rain all around.  Market Square was completely full of cars so it was difficult to take a good photo. The carvings in St Mary's Church tower were very interesting. The path by a stream from St Mary Well Street to the main road was surprising and different. I took care on the road to Green Lane. There was no evidence of horses on Green Lane to '5'. The lane was sunken with steep sides, steep gradient, narrow base and high hedges. It was very dark up to '5'. From '5' it was easy walking with good views to the lane leading to Posy Tree. There were pheasants everywhere past every hedge and field. The lane was extremely slippery due to a sea of mud after recent rain. Posy Tree was now a stump, no branches or leaves. It must have been chopped due to being in danger of collapsing. There was a plaque on the tree which was easily readable, reminding everyone of bubonic plague. There was no path from '7' to '8', nor a gate at '8'. I walked from the field straight down a track to the lane. There was no stile at '9', only an overgrown bank. Also there was no path from '9' to '10'. The best route was via the lane. I turned left from Manor Road down the lane past cottages to a stile on the right. I crossed the field with a hedge on the right to a stile. After climbing over the stile I beared left down the slope over the meadow to a stile in the trees beside a river. I crossed the footbridge to a field, keeping the stream on my left. I walked past Pheasant Farm, pheasants were naturally everywhere. There was a high fence, but how are the pheasants kept in, are their wings clipped? The heavens opened and I sheltered under a tree, then continued walking after ten minutes in lighter rain, remembering Sylvia was waiting in the car. I took extreme care down A3066 back to Market Square and the car park.

Location Map: - www.streetmap.co.uk

Always take extra care and keep alert when walking on main road without a footpath, Face on-coming traffic and keep well in to a hedge when a car passes. It only takes one small slip or wobble to cause an accident, and the car driver has a huge piece of metal around him, you have only fresh air. But isn't that fresh air wonderful on the hills?

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7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask
7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask
7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask
7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask
7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask
7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask
7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask
7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask
7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask
7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask
7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask 7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask 7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask 7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask 7th April 2003 - National Trust Sutton Hoo Mask

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Derek Harwood: Copyright 2009
Revised: November 2021